iSolutions and 3M: Pioneering AI Integration in Global Enterprise

8 min readAug 12, 2024


The story of leveraging AI to create an award-winning application for a Fortune 150 company

The collaboration between iSolutionsAI and 3M led to the PCM project winning the Global Marketing Excellence Award in August 2024

In a world where AI often feels like a distant future or a simple chatbot, one company is turning it into a powerful engine for business growth.

iSolutionsAI, a pioneer in practical AI solutions, has partnered with 3M, a twelve-time Top 100 Global Innovator, to revolutionize how one of the world’s most innovative companies manages its product content.

While some may view AI as a passing trend or just another question-answering tool, iSolutionsAI saw its potential to reshape entire business workflows. Their partnership with 3M isn’t about replacing humans with machines; it’s about enhancing human capabilities and unlocking unprecedented efficiencies.

AI, when applied thoughtfully to existing workflows and proprietary data, can create efficiencies that directly impact the bottom line. This is a areal-life example.

iSolutions’ Early AI Adoption: Ahead of the Curve

Long before AI became a buzzword, iSolutionsAI was already pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Their journey into AI didn’t start with the ChatGPT boom — it began years earlier with a deep dive into machine learning and custom business applications.

In 2020, while most businesses were still grappling with the basics of AI, iSolutionsAI secured early beta access to OpenAI’s GPT-3 models. This wasn’t just a technical achievement; it was a strategic move that positioned them years ahead of the curve.

iSolutionsAI’s early experiments weren’t about creating chatbots or virtual assistants. Instead, they focused on how these powerful language models could be integrated into real business processes. They saw AI not as a standalone tool, but as a transformative force that could enhance existing workflows and unlock new efficiencies.

This foresight paid off when the AI boom hit. While others scrambled to catch up, iSolutionsAI was already fine-tuning AI solutions for complex business problems.

For their clients, this early adoption translated into a significant competitive advantage. iSolutionsAI wasn’t offering theoretical solutions or untested technologies. They brought battle-tested AI expertise, ready to be applied to real-world business challenges.

This forward-thinking approach caught the attention of 3M, a company known for its innovative spirit. They saw in iSolutionsAI a partner who could match their appetite for innovation with practical, results-driven solutions.

Initial Engagement with 3M (2020–2021)

In September 2020, iSolutionsAI’s journey with 3M began when they were introduced to Matt Tandy, Senior Manager of Global Product Content at 3M.

Recognizing the potential for collaboration, iSolutionsAI was invited to showcase their AI capabilities. Their demonstration went far beyond typical AI applications, focusing on practical solutions to real business challenges.

They presented a system for AI-driven keyword extraction from product descriptions, automatically cross-referencing these keywords with 3M’s SEO guidelines.

Building on this, iSolutionsAI showcased their prowess in computer vision. They demonstrated an AI system capable of identifying 3M products from images, a feature with potential applications ranging from inventory management to quality control.

iSolutions’ AI Computer Vision Model Face Detection Demo

iSolutionsAI presented a facial recognition system designed to streamline marketing asset compliance. This tool could rapidly analyze images, identifying whether the individuals featured were contracted talent and if 3M had the rights to use their likeness.

This led to iSolutionsAI securing a contract to develop the Product Content Management (PCM) system, a project that would become a cornerstone of 3M’s digital transformation.

This initial engagement set the stage for a collaboration that would not only transform 3M’s approach to content management but also position both companies at the forefront of AI integration in global enterprise operations.

PCM Project Evolution (2021–2023)

Work on PCM began in earnest in March 2021. iSolutionsAI hit the ground running, leveraging their AI expertise to develop a system that would revolutionize how 3M managed its vast product content.

By October 2022, the team had achieved a significant milestone with the launch of the PCM Minimum Viable Product (MVP). This initial version showcased user-friendly interface features integrated with Adobe Assets and GPIM Hybris, laying the groundwork for future expansions.

The timeline for the PCM project

A critical phase in PCM’s evolution was the platform migration from Claris FileMaker to HAMR. This transition wasn’t just a technical upgrade; it was a strategic move to create a more robust, scalable foundation for the AI-driven features to come. iSolutionsAI’s expertise ensured a smooth migration, minimizing disruption while setting the stage for more advanced capabilities.

The real magic happened with the integration of AI features. iSolutionsAI implemented cutting-edge AI for content creation, allowing 3M to generate product descriptions and marketing materials based on their internal data with unprecedented speed and consistency.

They also incorporated AI-driven legal review processes, significantly reducing the time and resources needed for compliance checks. Perhaps most impressively, they integrated AI-powered translation capabilities, enabling 3M to effortlessly create multilingual content for their global market.

AI powered translation scoring, innovated by iSolutions, helped include Human in The Loop Reinforcement Learning to enhance translation quality and accuracy

The impact of these AI integrations was immediate and profound. User adoption skyrocketed, with the number of active users growing from 30 to over 100 in a matter of months.

AI Features in PCM

As PCM evolved, it became more than just a content management tool. It transformed into a central hub for innovation, efficiency, and global collaboration within 3M. The system’s ability to streamline workflows, ensure compliance, and facilitate multilingual communication positioned it as a critical asset in 3M’s digital ecosystem.

iSolutions’ Growing Influence within 3M

As the PCM project demonstrated its value, iSolutionsAI’s role within 3M expanded far beyond that of a typical vendor. Their expertise and innovation in AI implementation caught the attention of 3M’s leadership, leading to a series of collaborations that would shape the company’s AI strategy.

In a significant move, iSolutionsAI was invited to join 3M’s Generative AI Task Force in June 2023. This elite group was tasked with charting the course for AI adoption across 3M’s global operations.

3M Ai Workshop featuring Cris Ippolite from iSolutionsAI

iSolutionsAI’s influence continued to grow as they took on a pivotal role in 3M’s AI education initiatives. In 2024, they were invited to join the “Generative AI Training for Marketers” event, a global program designed to equip 3M’s marketing teams with the skills and knowledge needed to leverage AI in their work.

The partnership’s success led to new opportunities beyond the initial PCM project. In June 2024, iSolutionsAI was contracted by 3M’s Business Intelligence and Automation & Asia Commercial Center Safety and Industrial Business Group (SIBG) to develop a Market Basket Analysis machine learning algorithm. This project aimed to identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities, demonstrating iSolutionsAI’s ability to apply machine learning to diverse business challenges.

This expansion of iSolutionsAI’s role within 3M showcased their versatility and the broad applicability of their AI expertise. From content management to marketing strategy to sales analysis.

More importantly, these developments highlighted the trust and confidence 3M placed in iSolutionsAI.

In an era where many companies were still grappling with how to approach AI, 3M had found a partner who could not only implement the technology but also guide their overall AI strategy and uplift their entire organization’s AI capabilities.

Measurable Impact and Recognition

By Q1 2025, the PCM system is projected to deliver a staggering $2.4M+ in value realization.

What started with just 30 users quickly expanded to over 100, spanning various departments and regions. This growth wasn’t mandated from above; it was driven by users who recognized the system’s value in their daily work. From product marketers to legal teams, from content creators to channel managers, employees across 3M found that the AI-powered PCM system dramatically improved their workflow.

Efficiency gains were observed across multiple departments. The AI-driven content creation features allowed marketing teams to produce high-quality, consistent product descriptions in a fraction of the time it previously took.

Legal reviews, often a bottleneck in content publication, were streamlined through AI-assisted compliance checks.

The integration of AI-powered translation capabilities enabled 3M to rapidly create and update multilingual content, crucial for a global company operating in diverse markets.

The crowning achievement came in August 2024 when the PCM project won a prestigious Global Excellence award at 3M. This recognition, coming from a company renowned for innovation, validated not just the technical achievements of the project but its strategic importance to 3M’s operations.

This award wasn’t just about celebrating past achievements; it set the stage for future innovations. It positioned the PCM project and iSolutionsAI’s approach as a model for AI integration within 3M and potentially for other global enterprises.

Future Outlook (2024 and Beyond)

Plans are already in motion for an extended user rollout in Q4 2024. This expansion isn’t just about increasing numbers; it’s about spreading the benefits of AI-enhanced content management across more of 3M’s global operations. As more teams adopt the system, the potential for cross-departmental synergies and innovations grows exponentially.

Looking beyond PCM, the partnership between iSolutionsAI and 3M is ripe with potential for new AI-driven innovations. The success of the Market Basket Analysis project for 3M’s SIBG has opened doors to applying AI in areas like predictive analytics, supply chain optimization, and customer behavior modeling. There’s a palpable sense of excitement about where AI could take 3M next.

Perhaps most importantly, the future outlook isn’t just about technology. It’s about fostering a culture of innovation and AI literacy across 3M. The “Generative AI Training for Marketers” event was just the beginning. There are plans to expand these educational initiatives, empowering more 3M employees to leverage AI in their daily work.


From the early days of demonstrating AI capabilities to the award-winning PCM project and beyond, iSolutionsAI has consistently proven its ability to translate cutting-edge technology into practical, value-driving solutions.

The key lessons — early adoption, strategic alignment, continuous innovation, and collaborative knowledge sharing — offer a roadmap for companies looking to harness the power of AI. This partnership demonstrates that AI isn’t just for tech giants or startups; it’s a powerful tool that can drive significant value in traditional industries when applied thoughtfully.




Multiple award-winning experts in custom applications, machine learning models and artificial intelligence for business.